

Hello, my name is Habib!

Photo of Habib

The Vision

To make life easier to enjoy.

The Mission

HabitApp helps you build habits & routines that make your life easier and more efficient. By getting organized, you create space and time to build new skills and manage your energy.

About Habib

Before I built HabitApp, I was working hard at my software engineering job and then I realized - there is much more to life than work! The problem for me was that I wasn’t carving out any time in my life for hobbies, self-care, and exploring new interests. I needed a way of getting out of the office to live a more full life.

Then I stumbled upon a few great books about habits, including Atomic Habits by James Clear, The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg, and Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. All of these authors had compelling scientific data that proved my intuition that our habits are guiding our life much like a computer program runs a line of code. Habits have been the answer all along! So I set out to find a good habit tracker app or website.

After researching various habit trackers in existence, I was dissatisfied with what I found. Certain websites either had too much clutter or the overall system was difficult to organize into buckets. As I developed HabitApp, I fixed those issues by creating routines which organized my habits accordingly. And the results have been amazing! Ever since I started using HabitApp, my mornings and evenings have been much more balanced between exploration and discipline. It feels so great now that I can easily decide for myself which habits and routines I follow.

Habib Khan
Founder @HabitApp